Wednesday, February 13, 2008

By the way

For those of you who want to know. My due date is August 24th. When the nurse told me my actual due date, she said, "I am so sorry!" Oh well, I knew what I was getting into. I am actually looking forward to not having a baby right in the middle of winter.

I would love to have a little girl and right now I have a feeling that is what it is and plus everyone around me says they feel it is a girl (due to the fact that I am sicker with this one than I was with my boys). Justin and I were talking and we think it would be great to have another little boy. Corbin and Taylor are such opposites that it would be interesting to see another boys personality and see who he was more like! (How is it Christina?)

Either way, we will be so happy with a healthy beautiful baby!

Isn't life funny? (A.k.a. Andrea's plans, or lack thereof)

I was determined to graduate from high school, attend 2 years of college majoring in who knows what, and then serve a mission. After the mission, I was going to finally decide what to get a degree in, date someone for a year and get married at 23 years old in the Salt Lake Temple. Then I was going to finish college, have some kids, and just be a mom and wife in Utah.

Here's what really happened...I did go to college (BYUI). I was supposed to be out of here in 2 years and moved back home to finish my bachelors. Instead, I met the man I was going to marry at age 19. We got married in the Bountiful Temple when I was 20 and I finally decided what to major in when I was almost 21. I graduated in Early Childhood Education/Special Education at 22 years old and taught special ed preschool for five months before Allie came along. (I really wanted to be a kindergarten teacher and have nothing to do with all the special ed. paper work). Funny where the jobs lead...

I did what I swore I would never do (once I had kids) and finished teaching the school year. Thank goodness Cody was off of work for those 2 months to take care of Allie, or else I probably would have just resigned without finishing teaching. Teaching was a blessing. I am grateful for the experience I had teaching, but I am so grateful to be done for now and raising my baby.

I should have moved back to Utah 4 years ago and be living in a starter home raising a few kids by now. Instead, I am married to the love of my life, we have the best baby I could ever wish for, and we are still living in an apartment in Rexburg. We have since applied to 6 grad schools, and been invited to interview at 1. We are in the process of applying to 2 more and hopefully we will get more interview invites soon. :)

I think what I have learned the most is to totally rely on the Lord. He puts you where He wants you when He wants you there. Hence, I am still in Rexburg enduring the snow ;). Our temple was dedicated last Sunday, and I have the opportunity to see it everyday out my kitchen window and attend as frequently as I want. There's a reason for everything and I hope that I can just have the faith to press forward when I don't see that reason.

I thought I might put some future plans here just to see what really happens. I would like for Cody to attend grad school this fall, graduate in 4 years with a doctorate, move back to Utah, practice for a few years with a collegue and then open his own practice (in Marriage and Family Counseling). I woud like to have at least 3 more kids and live in a comfortable home in a nice neighborhood with a good school district. I would like to serve faithfully in the church and raise a righteous family. After my children are grown, I would like to continue teaching in an elementary school and eventually serve a mission with Cody. We'll just see what actually happens... :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Plan

Well, I thought that Heather's question was very thought provoking. It is very interesting how our life "plans" change all the time, well at least mine do. I guess that is the wonderful thing about life is that you really never do know what is around the corner. The time in my life when I had the most definite plan was my last year in college. I was going to graduate, teach for a year somewhere besides Utah, go on a mission, come home and teach and date and then get married. Well it is funny how the year that I thought I had things figured out I met Ryan and all plans changed. (Of course for the better!) I ended up getting married right after graduation moving to Arizona and teaching. I never thought that I would ever live here but it is just how life turned out. (this was in Ryan's plans however, to graduate date and move back to his "home".) Now the girl who would have been completely content to live in good old Brigham for the rest of her days live in Busy Hot Arizona! (Yeah today it was 79 degrees!) I have had so many learning and growing experiences and I know that it is the best decision for my family.
Now we are making other plans, having a baby, buying a house, quit teaching, Ryan taking his last CPA test (WAHOO!!) Who knows if these plans will all work out. I do know that if we have faith in Heavenly Father, he will lead us to the best plan that we could ever dream of!
Thanks Heather for asking this great question! Like you I am very interested in others response! Take Care!


This is such a great question - I am probably the only one who did what I really planned on doing. Start going to college, meet someone, get married, and start a family. The only thing is that I really didn't think it would happen to me(of course you know I never dated anyone in High School - I only wished!!!)

I had several different ideas of what to do after graduation. Luckily Cindi asked me to move to Salt Lake - which (thanks to her) was where I was suppose to be. I started dating Justin weeks after sending off a missionary (Cindi would always tease me - "you couldn't even last two months!") But it was right for me!

Five years later and I have the most wonderful husband, two of the greatest boys, and (I guess this is a great time to announce - I am pregnant with a third child!!!) I am 12 weeks along and that is why no one has heard from me for a while - but I am hoping the sickness will soon be over! We couldn't be any happier. I know to some people this is not leaving a dream, but to me, it really is.

I do plan on going back to school and graduating in health and nutrition. I would love to be a dietition when all my kids are in school. Of course this is a few years down the road so as we have all said - anything can happen!

This was a fun idea! And I will be sure to keep you posted on the pregnancy and when we find out what we are having in a couple of months!

Monday, February 11, 2008

What was your "plan"?

I was reading on one of my friends blogs the other day about what she had "planned" to do with her life and it made me think about how what I "planned" to do with my life has changed since high school.
I knew I wanted to be a dental hygienist about junior year. I finished my dental assisting program the summer after high school and then I was going to take the fast track to my dental hygiene degree which included (I thought) getting into school the first time (even though only 1-2 people out of the class of 30 get in on the first try). And then I was going to be a hot young well-off dental hygienist living the single life, dating and having fun. Then I was going to go on a mission. Then I was going to come back, date a couple more years, get a cute red sports car and then find Mr. Right.
Alas I did not get into my program on the first try, but it ended up being one of the best things that ever happened to me as I moved to Salt Lake and got to live with Em for two years and was the reason I met Jared. And as I got preggo I never did get to live the well-off hygienist dream as my belly got in the way of getting hired. But I've got one of the hottest husbands (who we hope will someday be a successful MBA), one of the most beautiful, sweet babies around, a temple marriage, and a happy( if crazy) life here in Indiana.
So the question for all of you is, "What did you "plan" on doing with your life and what have you actually done?" To answer this question add a new post, not a comment. I think it will be fun to compare!