Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thanks Heather!

A big thanks to Heather for getting this blog going for us! :) Maybe I'll be a better correspondent, now.

Cody, Allie, and I are doing well. Cody is working full time at Melaleuca and looking for another job. We will reapply to grad schools this fall. He doesn't have a preference for where he goes, he just wants to go! Allie is six months old now. She is just as sweet and cute as ever! She says "Dada, eeeee, and aaaaaa" She is also rolling around like crazy. We put a mirror against our couch and she loves talking and playing with the baby in the mirror. As for me, I am just enjoying staying home and being a full-time mommy.

Hope all is going well with each of you and your families. Much Love!

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